Let's discuss how your living. Just because the world seems like it's in shambles doesn't mean you are too. Let's talk about it...
Monday, January 30, 2012
Do you see what I see?
Life is like a blooming Pink Rose!
I see a life full of compassion for others. I see a life of giving to others and a life of sharing with others how I'm living. What do you see for your life?
I see God making moves on my heart in this new year. With His quiet still voice speaking to me through my friends, loved ones, and life situations, I see promising changes happening day by day. I see them happening in my personal quest of discipline and improvement. Perhaps I'll accomplish one of my new year's resolutions this year. Hoping we will all SEE that! Beautiful Blog site Joann! Blessings~
I see God making moves on my heart in this new year. With His quiet still voice speaking to me through my friends, loved ones, and life situations, I see promising changes happening day by day. I see them happening in my personal quest of discipline and improvement. Perhaps I'll accomplish one of my new year's resolutions this year. Hoping we will all SEE that! Beautiful Blog site Joann! Blessings~