Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Message in a Bottle!

I am a wonderful dreamer with a great imagination.  I have imagined myself being on a desert island with everything that I need to survive and without fear. The island is smog free and the water is pure.   My mode of transport is leaping from tree to tree barefoot and I eat only fruits and vegetables.   O.k. go ahead and laugh, but this is my dream!

My imagination has taken me deep into the rainforest where I sat still for hours in silence.  I am surrounded by walls of green plants and the presence of God’s goodness is all around me.  I allow the large drops of rain to fall on me and I breathe in the freshness of the air.   This actually came true when I vacationed in Puerto Rico.   It was an amazing experience that I will never forget.  It was one of the few times that I didn’t care about my hair or make up.  So where does your imagination take you?  Your imagination can be a gift and used in so many positive ways.  You can let your imagination help to create your work of service.

Imagine putting a message in a bottle.  What would the message be and where would you send it?  For me, my message would be 2 words, unconditional love.  I would want this message in a bottle to travel to each seaport.  The bottle would be opened/closed over and over again until it traveled the world. 

Unconditional love would bring no judgments, no arrogance, no hunger, no war, no hate, no jealousy, no envy, no cheating, just one LOVE! Impossible dream? Maybe, maybe not. In Philippians 4:13 the bible states that all things are possible with God.  Imagine a whole world with God and unconditional LOVE!  I have not reached perfection in this area but I wake up each morning with a new start.  Each new day allows me time to try and get it right.  My challenge to each of you is to imagine your own message in a bottle that would help change the world.   What would your message be?

Bible Study       1 Corinthians 13

Random Acts of Kindness:  Let’s never forget how God has blessed us with so much.  If you can, please join me this holiday season by surprising someone with a random act of kindness.  If you need some ideas please feel free to contact me at:                   

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