Sunday, November 22, 2015

Fall  2015


Happy Thanksgiving Family & Friends!

I can’t wait to taste the pies, cakes, dressing, mashed potato and gravy, potato salad, greens and homemade cranberry sauce!  This is like the best time of the year where there are no gifts expected, just good food and conversation.  Thanksgiving is our guilt free eating day.  I can come up with many reasons why I have to go back for a 2nd and 3rd time, ok sometimes 4.

Here in the US we celebrate one day of thanksgiving.  But in reality every day is a day of thanksgiving.  Each day is a gift and a celebration of life.  Even in our sorrows and darkest moments we can find something to be thankful for.

We are all one family, yep I said it!  (Genesis 7, Genesis 9:19). Don’t let the outer covering of our bodies fool you.  Our God created masterpieces and he had a sense of humor.  The outward beauty that we possess was created by God and gives us something to talk about.  The inside body function is Gods perfection at work.  We are one Family!

My prayer is that we all have the best Thanksgiving ever and that we love each other as one family!   I would love to hear your thoughts about Thanksgiving or about being one family.  Let's talk about it at:

Thursday, May 14, 2015

What Piece of the Puzzle are You?
by Jo Ann Chevalier                              May 2015
There is one human race, similar to a puzzle, made up of so many different people and cultures.  Each person trying to figure out where they fit in and how they will figure out their life’s purpose.

For some it will take years to figure out their piece of the puzzle.  Others will get it really fast and are able to live this life with purpose, prosperity and love.  But what happens to those who are still trying to figure things out?  Who do they turn to and where do they search for answers?

I remember a bible story about the Good Samaritan.  People kept passing by a person in need and didn’t bother to help. Finally a Good Samaritan stopped, took care of the person in need and paid for his shelter. I had to ask myself this question, am I the Good Samaritan or the person just passing by never stopping to help someone else?  What part of life’s puzzle am I?

Am I the corner of the puzzle that reaches out in only two directions to help others?  Am I a middle piece that extends and reaches out to many people?  Or am I that last piece of the puzzle that is still trying to figure out where I fit in even though there is only one spot left to fill?
Life can be like a puzzle, living each day, trying to put all the pieces together.  When life seems to fall apart you choose another piece of the puzzle to find your way again.  You may not be the corner piece or the middle piece. The point is that you figure out your own puzzle pieces of this life and live it with a purpose to the best of your ability!

I love putting puzzle pieces together and admiring the finished product.  It is even better to have a group of people working on the same puzzle and of the same mind.  Life could be so much simpler if we joined together as puzzle pieces and helped each other fit into their own unique spaces. I long for the day when we can all work together as one and live life as one beautiful complete puzzle masterpiece.  

Create in me a pure heart O God……………………………………………………..……….Psalms 51:10

Challenge:  Figure out what type of puzzle piece you are?  Ask God to help you complete/recognize your life’s purpose and then help someone else do the same!

  Work of Service  
Let’s all remember to help those that can’t help themselves….sometimes we just need to look around with an open heart and give to those that are less fortunate.

Hear Romans 10:17*Believe Hebrews 11:6*Repent Acts2:38*Confess Romans 10:9-10*Baptism Mark 16:15-16

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

I Surrender

                              January 2015

Goodbye 2014 and Hello 2015, I totally surrender to all things good.  I love saying the word surrender.  It frees my mind and opens me up to all things that bring comfort, peace, happiness, joy, contentment and love. 

Years ago I remember walking on the beach and feeling like I was drowning in distrust, negativity and uncertainty.  I continued to come back day after day to ponder where I was headed in life and how I could make changes in myself and the future.  While watching the waves come in/out over and over again I finally stopped and just threw my hands up!  At that point I realized that I was my own problem.  On that day I totally surrendered to my God and his will for me.  I realized that I could not move forward until I moved myself out of the way.  I had to free myself from all things that did not provide a positive outcome.  Since that day I have lived my life differently and in total surrender to the one that created me. 

When I surrendered to God I had to embrace love and learn to give it away each day.  Love took hold of me and showed me a new way.  Love controls my every move and compels me to act in ways that help achieve positive outcomes.  This love allows me to say I’m sorry.  This love allows me to forgive over and over again.  This love shows me when to speak and when to be silent.  This love frees me and I willingly totally surrender to it.  My hope and prayer for everyone reading this newsletter is that you’re able to throw your hands up, SURRENDER and let LOVE consume you.

Monthly Challenge
Let’s all try to help 1 person or family in need each month.  It could be a care package of food, homeless packet or fulfilling a specific need.   If you need ideas feel free to contact me. 

Have an Extraordinary Quarter!

                            Hear Romans 10:17*Believe Hebrews 11:6*Repent Acts2:38*Confess Romans 10:9-10*Baptism Mark 16:15-16